Our Sponsors

We are proud to be partnered with Visit Malta US for our PBS Broadcast

Generous support for our 2021 test screenings

Thank you to the following local Maltese businesses who partnered with NPG to support the Maltese test screenings at Eden Cinema and Spazju Kreativ —

Borg Cardona & Co./ Royal Canin, Visit Malta and Whiskers & Purrs.


We would like to say a big thank you and show our appreciation to the following people who trusted us and backed the films post-production Kickstarter campaign. Without each persons support, we couldn’t have completed Cats of Malta and reached the production standard it’s at today.


Francesca Vella, Stephen A. Petroni , Gerard Mack , Penny Rector, Dave Barton, Valerie Cassar, Whitney Duff, Marlene Scicluna, Richard Harris, Daniela Ercoli, Tom Vogel, Marion Marz Luckhurst, Cristina Grimaldi, Ali Bird, Tina Lambert, Anthony Palmer, Gia Monteforte, Patricia Chica, Sarah Khalaf, Shaun Smith, Maurizio D’Alessandri, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Krista Vendy, Frank Fazio, Valerie Kost, Anne Boerner, Gloria Bryant, Lake Phalgoo, Fiona Delalande, Marla Maxson, Colin Zammit, Diana Vlot, Jess Mansfield, Valerie Scotto, Franco Lucherini, Nathanael Hopkins-Smith, Ante Malekin, Claudia Paol, Dean Brandum, Don Bridges, Marysia S. Peres,  Max Orlovsky, David Muscat, Andreas Kaluza, Stephanie Meilak, James Gibney, Bronny Lane, Lindsey-Loon Ricker, Scott Lewis, Florence Ioannou, Lauren, Mary Carter, Brooke Irvine, Nigel Koster, Stefan Farrugia, Anna Bourozikas, Janna Wachowiak, Kevin Morales, Katrina Mathers, Sue Senden, Matthew Mcgowan, Josie Wadelton, May Gordon, Rowena Farrugia, Marcelle Tranchina, Mikeal Burgin, Liz, Rob McGowan, Miriam Calleja, Lesley Mitchell, glazeddonut,Joe Carbone, David Muscat, Marvin Zammit, Teresa Caligaris, Sue Scantlebury, Esther Bonanno, Cinzia Serafino, Stephen Ramplin, Francesca Briffa, Donald Mark Percy, Andrew Dunlop, Ben Housden, Pauline Van Nispen, Donna McRae, Susan Tonjes, Sarai Porretta, Samantha Traies, Nikki Tambini, Soo Yun Kim, Lori Andrew, Shannon Jones, Susan Burke, Roberta Hucks, Chris, Keogh, Ganesh Ilango, Federica Faroldi, June K. Imada,  Jurgen Borg, Audrey Rose Mizzi, Jack Lunn, Lee Matthews, Alex Falls, Jemma van Loenen, Dov Kornits, Emily Coatman, Kim Camilleri, Mirjana Laferlita, Vanessa de Largie, Marie Werrett, Larry Paschelke, Claire Villiers, Christine Henshaw, John Fickel,  Robert Hardy, Teresa Garcia, Lauren Lerch, Kindar Soares, Sean Meltzer, Leora Tasker, Tom Alberto, Kyra Martin, Sina Portelli, Elena, Mark Edwards, Jane Stein, Rebekah Attard Trevisan, Naomi Lisner, Marcus Holmes, Francesca Stivala, Declan Cole-flynn, Christopher Cini, Darren L. Downs, Andrew Walsh, Evan "Moxie" Kitchener, Maxime Durand, Kirill Zheludkov, Stefan Trajanovski, Enkari Nicole Syilve, Rossana Rojas,  Wahibe Moussa, Rod Thorpe, Leanne Campbell, The Creative Fund by BackerKit, George Chiesa, Justin Giddings, Jason Horton, Joanna Farrugia, Rambert Attard, Fabrizio Foni, Polly March, Wendy Thorpe, Traci Lafawndah, Cristina Samiolo, Simone Ellul, Jared Evans, Chiara Ciulli, Peter W. Allen, Jane Foster, Jessica Cassar, Vanessa Portelli, Georgina Hodgson, Alexi Ouzas, Hayley Wills, Martha Borg, twonkykitty, Gabrielle Kneipp, Michael Bugeja, IB, Bethany Veltman, Audrey Cordina Sacco, Draga Fontes, Paul John Ransom, Guy Hodgkinson, Madeline Embrey, Andrea Patchett, Kasey Fickel, Josephine Croft, Joanna Farrugia, Karl Beck, Barbara Jeffries, Heather Douglas, Carolyn Newton,  Bruce Micallef Eynaud, Andrew Robb, Kristyn Howarth, David Tinoco, Chris Clarke, Leander Behal, Charlene Galea,  Kaylene Tyler, Eileen Buhler, Munira Manuel, Nadia Clark, Gregory Moussa, Nadia Holmes and Ameila Hunter.